Land & Easement Acquisition
In addition to 396 acres within the project area that are currently in public ownership and slated for restoration, Tillamook County intends to acquire an additional 125 acres of private land, 35 acres of temporary construction easements, and 86 acres of permanent floodway easements.
Design and Permitting
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) will refine the engineering plans and submit permits. A combination of local, state, and federal permits and regulatory approvals are required for this project.
NHC will develop construction ready plans, specifications, and engineering package upon resolving any permitting agency comments. Key tasks will include topographic surveys, cultural resources and geotechnical investigations, and updated hydraulic modeling. The project will be analyzed using the new Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) model for regulatory compliance.
Baseline Monitoring
Under guidance of the Monitoring Advisory Committee, the Institute for Applied Ecology and Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians have developed a monitoring plan. The long-term monitoring plan aims to demonstrate progress toward project goals and species recovery. Monitoring results will also provide future guidance for other restoration projects.
Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
FEMA is funding nearly half of the project through their Disaster Assistance Policy for Alternative Projects. FEMA participation means the project must meet standards under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). As such, FEMA has determined that in order to meet NEPA standards, an EIS, which describes the positive and negative environmental impacts, must be completed. The EIS process will parallel design and permitting.
Management Plan Revision
Ultimately, Tillamook County will be the land owner and manager over the majority of the project area. Once the final design is complete, the Wetlands Management Plan will be revised to encompass all the publicly owned areas. This plan will identify long term maintenance need and allow the site to reach its long term function and species benefits.