TEP’s 10-Year Action Plan
The work we do to protect and restore our waterways and natural spaces is both important and extensive. It can’t be completed overnight. Which is why we’ve created our CCMP to be a long-term guide for our ongoing restoration efforts.
As part of the National Estuary Program, the Clean Water Act requires each location within the program to implement a Comprehensive Conservation and Management Plan, or CCMP. The purpose of this CCMP is to define the biggest issues facing the health of our estuaries and watersheds and present plans to effectively address those issues. TEP’s revised CCMP is a 10-year action plan for 2019-2029 that utilizes our original 1999 CCMP as its foundation. Our CCMP goals are:
- Maintain and improve the beneficial uses of estuaries and watersheds for humans and native aquatic and terrestrial species (Water Quality Improvements);
- Conserve and restore ecological functions of Tillamook County’s estuaries and watersheds to benefit native aquatic and terrestrial species and the communities that depend on them (Habitat Restoration);
- Foster awareness of Tillamook County’s estuaries and watersheds, engage in problem solving, and take action to conserve and enhance our natural resources (Community Education & Engagement).
We recognize that as conditions change, so will the CCMP implementation strategies. That’s why we work with our partners to prioritize activities based on critical gaps, relevancy, resources, and funding.
As we work toward our mission and goals, this CCMP continues to serve as our dynamic blueprint for clean water, healthy habitats, abundant wildlife, and vibrant communities.

Revised CCMP (2019)
Anatomy of a CCMP Action
Ch. 1 Water Quality Action Plan
Ch. 2 Habitat Restoration Action Plan
Ch. 3 Community Education and Engagement Action Plan
Ch. 4 Estuary and Watershed Profiles
Ch. 5 Habitat Restoration and Monitoring Strategies
Ch. 6 Finance Strategy
Ch. 7 Communication Strategy
Appendix A: Acronyms
Appendix B: Restoration Strategy
Appendix C: Monitoring
Appendix D: Communications
Original CCMP (1999)
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: State of the Bay
Chapter 3: Management Framework
Chapter 4: Key Habitat Action Plan
Chapter 5: Water Quality Action Plan
Chapter 6: Erosion and Sedimentation Action Plan
Chapter 7: Flooding Action Plan
Chapter 8: Implementation and Finance
Chapter 9: Citizen Involvement
Chapter 10: Monitoring and Research Needs
Chapter 11: Federal Consistency Report
Appendix A - 303D list
Appendix B - Action Plan Activity, Funding, Authority, Moni
Appendix C - Mgmt. Committee Prioritization Exercise Commen
Appendix D - OPSW Actions Applying to this CCMP
Appendix E - Key Watershed and Aquatic Diversity Areas
Appendix F - Listing of Designated Core Area for Coastal Basins
Appendix G - North Coast Project Stream Enhancement Sites
Appendix H - TideGate Database
Appendix I - Tidal Wetlands Study
Appendix J - TBNEP Action Plan Demo. Project Report
Appendix K - Implementation Agreement
Appendix L - TCPP Bylaws
Appendix M - Publications list
Appendix N - Native Plants List
Appendix O - Acronyms
Appendix P - Response to Reviewer Comments
Appendix Q - Glossary